Purple Prose [Search results for movie]
Books and Their Movie Adaptations...
The Emotional Structure of Tangled: Part One
Courageous-- The Movie
Writing Kickass Action Scenes: Part Three
Your Last Words (Tweets/Status Updates)...
The Emotional Structure of Tangled: Part Two
"What is Love?" Week 5: Love is... (A Many Splendor Thing)
The Bomb From Becoming
Characters... what do they look like?: Countdown to Crossing the Deep
What the @#*!? (or Dealing with Critiques)
"What is Love?" Week 1
Brag on God Friday
Expanding Beyond Your Genre (and meet Brad Pitt)
Toss a Label; Make a Word
My Fan Fiction Days...
Check this out…
Just Kiss Already Blogfest
New Years Resolutions.. and some pretty big Dreams
The Next Big Thing