Purple Prose [Search results for people]
S -- Sweet People
Brag on God Friday
"Meaningful Mondays"
Bible in 90 Days: Week 8
"What is Love?" Bible Study: Week 12
Getting Your Book Noticed In Today’s Changing Marketplace
WiL Bible Study: Week 8: Why Do We Show Love?
5 Minute Friday-- Story
Promotion Ickies
The Black Hair Fiasco Day 3
"What is Love?" Bible Study: Week 2
Reputation Matters
Someday You'll Laugh by Brenda Maxfield
... The Memory of a Gnat
Bible in 90 Days: Week 6 and 7... And a favor
A Most Excellent Day!
A Song of the Righteous
The 12 Stresses of Christmas-- LONG LINES
"What is Love?" Bible Study: Week 3