Purple Prose [Search results for home]
"The War"
A Little SAINT SLOAN Snippet (My new book!!!)
Nashville VS Huntsville
Yes, God is real... not that I had any doubt
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
When we think we are in control... but we're not
Finally :) My book cover!!
Home Making Binder... Day 1
Thanksgiving Blog Hop-- Gift Card Giveaway
How I Find Time to Write by Wendy Knight (author of Feudlings)
So... Dec. 23rd... Are you finished yet?
"Countdown to Crossing... " Character Names
TODAY IS RELEASE DAY!!!! Saint Sloan... :) Cover Reveal
The Sun, The Rain, The Weather Lady, and Proverbs
Moody McMooderson
Sweet Saturday Samples :)
My Top 10 Daily Chores
Sample Saturday-- SAINT SLOAN
God is like a Housewife...
Wanna TREAT this Halloween? (Halloween Party Giveaway!)